The year of 2020 has undoubtedly been a crazy year for everybody. Learning how to adapt to these new rules hasn’t been an easy task for many. Covid-19 has changed the way many peoples interact with their loved ones on a day to day basis.

This year’s holiday celebrations are going to be different for everyone, but don’t worry there are so many fun and creative ways you can still stay connected with family and friends during this time. Planning ahead is an important part as well as making sure you have time to set up and get the details down is very important. You want to make sure to include everyone and make the necessary steps to have safe family gatherings. Planning ways to keep each other safe can actually be a way to connect by brainstorming fun ideas and planning with loved ones.

Ideas of what you can do to make it fun

Below we will discuss fun innovative ways to keep your friends, family and loved ones involved and excited for the holidays this year. Times are hard right now and for elderly people it is even harder. Many nursing homes and care facilities are being strict on who can come in and who can come out. Covid-19 is an extremely serious matter and protecting our elderly loved ones is priority number one. Ideas down below will include fun alternatives ways to keep your loved ones involved even if they aren’t physically with you.

Video Chat

This is a very common and free alternative to keep your loved ones connected during the holiday season. This is commonly used when a loved one lives far away or is unable to make the trip to come see you. Now more than ever video chatting is essential to keeping in contact with friends, family and loved ones.

Send Gifts

If your loved one is unable to make your Thanksgiving or Christmas family dinner send them some food! Plan ahead and talk to their nursing home or care facility to see if this is allowed. If food isn’t allowed you can easily send them cards, flowers, printed photos, and much more. Get creative and make homemade handwritten cards that they will cherish forever.

Go Visit Them

This option might not be possibly for many due to the fear of exposing them to any kind of sickness. A great alternative to this and still being able to see them would be to sit outside their window and just enjoy their presence in that way. If that is also too risky, a great and exciting idea is to do a “drive by”. Gather up all your family and get in the car, and make signs have balloons and tell your loved one to come outside or look through their window and surprise them with this creative idea.

Make a Digital Photo Slideshow 

If your loved one is unable to come visit due to isolation, make a family sideshow, and share with the whole family. This is a fun creative way for them to get to see you even though they aren’t with you. A step above this would be to get all your family and friends to join a video chat and all watch the slideshow as if you were all together. You can laugh, cry and reminisce on such good times you have had with your family. Isn’t that what holidays are all about?

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